Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

The Rainbow Eucalyptus

Indeed remarkable to see the Rainbow Eucalyptus, This is the only species of eucalyptus that grows dibelahan utara.Mungkin earth looks like the engineering of the artists ... But no! There are many other interesting facts, the Rainbow in the use of trees to make paper white. This tree height to 70 meters is impressive.

The secret behind the Rainbow Eucalyptus is actually quite simple. The trees that are patched every few years changed the skin, but not at the same time. Because few natural patches disappear, green skin in the exposed, and, adult, each patch the first turn blue, then orange, purple and red. This creates a rainbow effect that makes these trees so good to see.

1 komentar:

  1. saya harus bilang wowoww. kuasa Allah tiada tara http://oriflame-mataram.blogspot.com/
