Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Seven Great Discovery Space 2010

1. Twinning PLANET EARTH
The long-awaited news that comes in September. An Earth-like planets are believed to exist in space. He is no longer merely an illusion or a dream. Almost all of them identical, even in size as Earth. The planet is named Gliese 581g ..

The findings were revealed by astronomers from the University of California Santa Cruz. Steven Vogt, a member of the team, said, there are conditions that support for the presence of water there. Therefore Vogt believes humans could live and settle. However, several other astronomers cautioned that this finding is still too early.
Japanese Spacecraft, Hayabusha, took home a special gift for the science world. Exploration success to bring asteroid samples of dust taken from the source directly.

Dust originating from the surface of asteroid Itokawa, a distance of 2 billion miles from Earth. Hayabusah which means eagle, traveling for 7 years to get to the asteroid.

Samples were taken directly by the spacecraft. It's not an easy matter landed on Itokawa. For the second new experiment successfully completed mission.

Hayabusha arrived back to Earth on 13 June. He at least brought as many as 1,500 asteroids that dust grains are very important to the field of science and knowledge.

3. LIVING WITH arsenic
Gara-gara Badan Pengembangan dan Antariksa Nasional AS (NASA) berencana menggelar konferensi ilmiah bertajuk "Diskusi tentang Temuan Astrobiologi untuk Mengungkap Kehidupan di Luar Bumi", spekulasi pun merebak.

Sebagian pemerhati sains dan wartawan menduga peneliti NASA telah melacak makhluk angkasa yang berada di salah satu bulan Saturnus, Titan, yang mampu hidup pada kondisi lingkungan penuh gas beracun.

Pada kenyataannya tidak seheboh yang dikira. Peneliti mengklaim hanya menemukan mikroba di Bumi yang memakan arsenik. Makhluk itu kemudian disebut GFAJ-1.

Ia bisa mentransformasikan racun ke dalam DNA-nya. Perilakunya ini membuktikan bahwa makhluk hidup bisa bertahan dalam kondisi apa pun dari yang sebelumnya dibayangkan.

Lebih jauh, temuan itu membuka peluang bagi upaya pencarian tanda-tanda kehidupan di luar angkasa. Keraguan mengemuka dari peneliti lain terkait kebenaran makhluk yang bisa hidup dari arsenik. Pembuktiannya patut dinanti, seperti pula klaim adanya kehidupan di meteorit Martian ALH 84001.

4. SUN 'woke up'
Scientists have dubbed the phenomenon as a tsunami Sun. Around August, the Sun experienced extraordinary events. A series of large explosions on the surface of the star closest to Earth's.

The energy boom across the sky throughout the 93 million miles. The explosion produces auroras in the sky. This is a cycle that will end 11 years old, marked by ups and downs of the level of electromagnetic waves, bursts of fire, and light.

There is concern, the impact of the explosion can damage communications satellites orbiting the Earth. No doubt, the Sun is in the most active period. He seemed to wake from sleep.

5. DARK MATTER identified
Many years into the mysteries of dark matter. In fact, the element that covers 80% of the material universe. His name is embedded because it is very difficult to be seen by spacecraft instruments.

However, experts astro physics to make a major breakthrough. They managed to identify signs of this dark matter. From there is hope to reveal all about. One of the findings concerning the dark matter particles. Characterized particles antiparticles. He will destroy whatever is nearby.

The researchers suspect, a sign of dark matter particles that is the destroyer of gamma rays. Fermi space telescope has detected gamma rays from the galactic center is much brighter than expected.

There is every probability derived from dark matter particles are reacting antiparticles. Based on activity data of this radiation, dark matter consists of particles called WIMP (weakly interacting massive particles). The particle has a mass nine times larger than protons.

Researchers also suspect the existence of such a cross section which describes the density of crocheted articles. This finding represents a major step in the effort to uncover the mystery veil of dark matter.

6. MEETING WITH comet Hartley
No one thought capable spacecraft Deep Impact comet visited two at once. After the extra distance to 4.6 million kilomete, Deep Impact eventually reaches the next target, comet Hartley 2.

Before that, precisely in 2005, Deep Impact was down to Comet Tempel 1. He launched a research tool to the surface of the planet to study the composition of the comet.

However, the scientists found that the Deep Impact still has a power reserve to explore again. Mission to Hartley 2 produces findings that the peanut-shaped comet was still very active. He menyenburkan cyanide gas booster derived from carbon dioxide.

7. Assessment is NOT FIXED
In nature there is always a provision. The theory was believed for decades. For example, the electromagnetic force is often called the structure constant or alpha. The element is always fixed anywhere. However, observations in nearby galaxies show that alpha can vary. The difference depends on the galaxy where it is located. This means that the speed of light or the strength of the electron has a variety of variables according to their respective locations.

The study was conducted in two places, namely through the Keck telescopes in Hawaii and grew up in Chile. Both observations cover the sky south and north. From there it is known, the alpha elements have a difference in space. In the northern sky, the structure still was able to shrink over increasing distances. Meanwhile, there are opposite in the southern sky

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